ReporterForUiPath 2.0
User Manual
Last Updated Date: 17th Nov,
2.1.2 Report Location [mandatory]: 2.2.1 Suite Name [mandatory]:
2.3.2 Test Description [optional]:
2.3.3 Test Tag [optional]:
2.3.4 Priority [optional] [Default : Low]:
2.4.3 Status [mandatory] [Default : Compare]:
2.4.4 Actual Result [optional]:
2.4.5 Expected Result [optional]:
2.4.6 Code Block [optional]:
2.5.2 Location [optional]:
2.5.3 Save In Current Report [optional] [Default : True]:
2.7.2 CC [optional]:
2.7.3 BCC [optional]:
2.7.4 Email [optional]:
2.7.5 Password [optional]:
2.7.6 Server [optional]:
2.7.7 Port [optional]:
2.7.8 Subject [optional]:
2.7.9 Attach Status Report [optional]:
Package Activities :
This package will comes with 8
Email Status
2.1 Create
Report : This
Activity creates new Report at the given location. It can be used by multiple
times within same workflow to get separate reports for different modules. Both
the reports will get stored in same location.
Steps Followed by Create Report Activity
Creates new Folder with Reporter name &
current date & time to avoid overriding.
Inside newly created folder, It creates two
sub folders i.e. recordings, screenshots with main .html report.
Properties :
Input :
2.1.1 Report Name [mandatory]: It
accepts string value, Which will be part of report folder name & Report
2.1.2 Report Location [mandatory]: It accepts string value representing
location for where you want to store report files.
Output :
2.1.3 isReportCreated [optional] : It
returns Boolean value, True if report initializes successfully, False if any
exception occurs.
2.2 Start Suite : This Activity creates new
test suite in current report. It is not mandatory to create report before creating
any suite. You can directly start with this activity. But as a good practice
first initialize report before using this activity.
Steps Followed by Start Suite Activity :
First it will check is any report
initialized before this activity, If not then reporter will initialize it by
If report is Initialized by the reporter,
then execution reports will get stored at project location inside Reports
If report is already initialized by the
user then it will simply add new suite into it, but after creation of any suite
will not updates the report content. Reports content only updated by Start Test
& Step Status Activity.
Properties :
Input :
2.2.1 Suite Name [mandatory]: It accepts string value,
which is name of the suite.
Output :
2.2.2 Suites [optional]: It
returns list of string value, List will contain names of all the suites that
are created in current report.
2.3 Start Test : This Activity creates new
test in current suite. It is not mandatory to create report/suite before creating
any test. You can directly start with this activity. But as a good practice
first initialize report then create new suite then use this activity.
Steps Followed by Start Test Activity :
First it will check is any report
initialized, If not then reporter will initialize default report.
Then it will check is any suite created, If
not then reporter will creates default suite in current report.
After confirmation of Report & Suite
creation, it will add new test in current suite.
Finally updates report content.
Properties :
Input :
2.3.1 Test Name [mandatory]: It
accepts string value, which is name of the test.
2.3.2 Test Description [optional]: It accepts string value,
which describes what the test all about.
Options :
2.3.3 Test Tag [optional]: It
accepts string value, which can be used to filter out tests. Tag name could be
module name or any text that represents test.
2.3.4 Priority [optional] [Default :
Low]: It
accepts Enum value of type priority. Priority can be Low, Medium, High,
Output :
2.3.5 Tests [optional] : It
returns list of string value, List will contain names of all the tests that are
created in current report.
2.4 Step Status : This Activity logs result of
the step into the current test. It is not mandatory to create report/suite/test
before logging step status. You can directly start with this activity.
But as a good practice first initialize report then
create new suite then create test & after test creation use this activity.
Steps Followed by Step Status Activity :
First it will check is any report
initialized, If not then reporter will initialize default report.
Then it will check is any suite created, If
not then reporter will creates default suite in current report.
Then it will check is any test created, If
not then reporter will creates default test in current suite.
After confirmation of Report, Suite &
Test creation, it will add step status in current test.
Finally updates report content.
Properties :
Input :
2.4.1 Step Name [mandatory]: It
accepts string value, which is name of the Step.
2.4.2 Step Description [mandatory]: It accepts string value,
which describes what the step all about.
2.4.3 Status [mandatory] [Default :
There are two ways to log status. by manually or by programmatically.
You can use Pass, Fail, Info, Skip, Exception &
Warning status to set step status manually. So here user has to implement logic
to determine step status i.e. step is passed, failed, is step has any
exception, any warning messages, any informational messages that user want to
Also you can use Compare status. if step status sets to
compare then reporter will compare Actual & Expected result that are passed
through parameter and if both are matches then step status will set to Pass or
else it will set to Fail.
Result :
2.4.4 Actual Result [optional]: It
accepts string value, which is the Actual value of the step that we get at
2.4.5 Expected Result [optional]: It accepts string value,
which is Expected value of the step that we have to compare with actual result.
Exception Message :
2.4.6 Code Block [optional]: It accepts string value, we can use this property to display coding information like exception messages. This can be used to display any information but as a recommendation use it for exception messages.
Options :
2.4.7 Take Screenshot [optional]
[Default : True]: It
accepts Boolean value, if value is true then runtime screenshot gets attached
to the step or else it will skip this action.
Output :
2.4.8 Status [optional] : It
returns String value, which is nothing but status of the step. This property
will helpful in case if step status sets to compare mode and you want to know
what exactly status sets to step i.e. Pass / Fail.
2.5 Start Recording : This activity will record
test execution and generate video output file. There is no need to create
report to use this activity.
but in that case by default all the recordings will get
stored in Recordings folder not in current test report folder.
Steps Followed by Start Recording Activity
First it will check is any recording
location passed, if yes then recording will generates in given location or else
if will get stored in Recordings folder at project location.
If ”Save In Current Report” property is
checked then recordings will get stored in current reports folder, if report is
not created and this property sets to true then recordings will get stored in
default location.
Properties :
Input :
2.5.1 Recording Name [mandatory]: It
accepts string value, which is name of the recording.
Options :
2.5.2 Location [optional]: It
accepts string value, which is location where you want to generate recording.
2.5.3 Save In Current Report
[optional] [Default : True]: It
accepts Boolean value. If this property is checked then recording will
generates in current report folder or else recording will generates in given
Output :
2.5.4 isRecordingStarted [optional] : It
returns Boolean value, true if recording has started or false if any exception
2.6 Stop Recording : This activity will stops
the current recording and generates output.
Steps Followed by Start Recording Activity
First it will check is any recording is
currently active or not. If any recording process is active then it will stop
recording and saves the output or else skip this action.
Properties :
Output :
2.6.1 isSaved [optional] : It
returns Boolean value, true if recording has saved successfully, false if any
exception occurs.
2.7 Send Email Status : This
activity sends the current test status with consolidated test report attached
within an email to the specified receiver email address.
Steps Followed by Send Email Status Activity:
Send Email Status Activity sends the
current test status to the receiver’s Email ID specified in the Property “To”.
If the “Attach Test Report” checkbox is checked,
then it attaches the test report file in the email. By default, it is checked.
If user do not want to attach the test report, then this checkbox should be
The Email will be sent from the Sender’s
Email ID specified in the Property “From”. User will have to provide the Server
name and port number corresponding to the Sender’s email.
**Note: If User do not specify the sender’s Email ID in the property field “From” then the email will be sent from the default email address: User do not have to enter Server and port number in this case.
Properties :
Receiver :
2.7.1 To [mandatory]: It
accepts string value, which is the receiver’s email address.
2.7.2 CC [optional]: It
accepts a string value, which is email address to whom the mail should be cc’d.
2.7.3 BCC [optional]: It
accepts a string value, which is an email address to whom the mail should be
Sender :
2.7.4 Email [optional]: It
accepts a string value, which is the sender’s email address.
2.7.5 Password [optional]: It
accepts a string value, which is the sender’s email password.
Host :
2.7.6 Server [optional]: It
accepts a string value, which is the server name.
2.7.7 Port [optional]: It
accepts a string value, which is the port number.
Email :
2.7.8 Subject [optional]: It
accepts a string value, which is the subject of the email.
Options :
2.7.9 Attach Status Report [optional]: It
is a checkbox, when checked attaches the current test report in the email. If
the checkbox is unchecked, the test report would not be attached.
Output :
2.7.10 Email Sent [optional]: It
returns Boolean value, true if email is sent successfully and false if any
exception occurs.
2.8 Log Message : This activity will adds
new log entry with given log type
Steps Followed by Start Recording Activity
First it will check is any test available,
if yes the simply it will add new log entry.
If no any test found then it will create
default test and log the message into it.
Properties :
Input :
2.8.1 Message [mandatory]: It
accepts string value, which is log message.
2.8.2 Message Type [mandatory]
: Info]: It accepts string value,
which is log message type (Info, Warning, Error).
Output :
2.8.3 Text [optional] : It
returns String value (Log message).