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Why ReporterForUiPath?


Introduction :

Robotic Process Automation: An amazing technology to automate every manual process, from a simple routine task of sending emails to a complex business process, RPA allows doing it all smoothly with minimum efforts. Out of many domains where RPA application is gaining popularity, one of the areas where RPA application is taking good shape is the domain of testing.

 Testing is an activity done to deliver quality products to the customers and hence testing becomes an important activity/task for businesses. Test Automation is done efficiently using UiPath tool and with the newest release of UiPath Studio Pro version that grants us access to Application Testing, RPA Testing, API Testing and Mobile testing projects, Test-Automation becomes effortless.


Importance of the Reporter :

Any testing framework would be incomplete if we do not provide a test-report. Test-report is an important document that comprises a visual/graphical representation of the tests done on the product and the corresponding test results, and it is shared among the stakeholders of the project. As the test- report holds an important value for the test activities, we felt a strong need for an activity in UiPath that would generate a good test-report automatically along with the automated test execution. ReporterForUiPath addresses the above-stated need perfectly. ReporterForUiPath is the UiPath activity suite with many features packed in it that helps in generating beautiful test-reports simultaneously along with the execution of the tests.

 Features Of the Reporter :

1.1 IndependencyAll the activities are robust & flexible to adapt themselves to fit in any scenario. you can use any activity at any point & anywhere in the workflow. 
e.g. if you didn't create any report & directly create a suite, then it will get identified by the reporter and first, it will initialize the report.

also, suppose you didn't created anything before & directly want to use step status activity in that case first it will generate a default report, then suite, then tests, and finally, this step will get added into the default test.

The main Intention to implement this feature is to provide rapid accessibility of any of the activities and also to remove the dependency on any other activities. All activities are communicated internally to make them independent from the user's perspective. 

1.2 Categorization: By default, this reporter will categorize your tests by test,  suite & priority. In addition to it allows you to define your tags into the tests, to categorize them.


1.3 Multi Reports: The reporter will analyze all the test cases and generates multiple reports like suite wise, priority wise, tag wise report. each report will contain the total count, pass-fail count with passing percentage. These reports will get generated in the dashboard section.

1.4 Filters: Filters can help you to display only categorized test cases. the generated report will have 4 filters pass/fail, suite, tag & priority filter. we can add multiple filters also to display specific tests.

1.5 Dashboard: The reporter will record each & every logging movement & design a dashboard. the dashboard will give you execution timings, counts of all passed/failed tests, status wise counts of all steps, also dashboard will contain all the sub-reports.


1.6 Screenshot: This is the most useful & important feature. it will allow you to add runtime screenshots into your test step. we can use it as execution proof or suppose your test case gets failed then these screenshots will help you to identify the cause, either it is a code issue or application issue.


1.7 Test Recording: Using Start Recording & Stop Recording activity you can record your test execution. This activity provides an option to save recordings in an existing report folder. If the report is not created and still you want to record execution in that case you can provide a location for the recording in Start Recording activity or by default reporter will create the Recordings folder in the current directory and store all recordings.

**Note: You must have to Stop Recording if Started, or else the output file will get corrupted.


1.8 Email Notification:  Using “Send Email Status” Activity users can get a consolidated test execution summary on their mail along with the report as an attachment.


1.9 Log Message:  As like test step you can add log messages for the test as well.