ReporterForUiPath V1.0.4 :
This is the first release of the ReporterForUiPath and it has been published on June 16, 2020.
This release contains 4 activities which are as follows:
1.1 Create
Report: This
Activity creates a new Report at the given location. It can be used multiple
times within the same workflow to get separate reports for different modules. Both
the reports will get stored in the same location.
1.2 Start Suite: This Activity creates a new
test suite in the recently created report.
1.3 Start Test: This Activity creates a new
test in the recently created suite.
1.4 Step Status: This Activity logs the result of the step into the recently created test.
Download Link: ReporterForUiPath V1.0.4
ReporterForUiPath V1.0.10 :
This is the second release of the ReporterForUiPath and it has been published on July 06, 2020.
This release contains 3 new activities which are as follows:
2.1 Start Recording: This activity will record
test execution and generate video output file. There is no need to create
report to use this activity.
2.2 Stop Recording: This activity will stop
the current recording and generates a video file in .avi format.
2.3 Send Email Status : This activity sends the current test status with consolidated test report attached within an email to the specified receiver email address.
Download Link: ReporterForUiPath V1.0.10
ReporterForUiPath V2.0.0 :
This is the third release of the ReporterForUiPath. Its development is complete and has to be published in the UiPath marketplace.
This release contains 1 new activity which is as follow:
3.1 Log Message: Sometimes there might be a need to add some additional logging messages for debugging purposes. So this activity can add such logging messages.
Also in this release,
- we have enhanced the dashboard to display logging activities.
- Added step filters for faster searching.